Death of the Estimator Role

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, October 31 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PT

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Event Location

Location: S229


It's time to purge the antiquated job description/title of "estimator" which obstructs accurate, safe, comprehensive repair planning. For 30+ years we have been measuring the wrong metrics, that are driven by external forces outside of the shop and are not driven by accountability to quality or profitability. This session will help identify and discuss these problems and establish why it's time to get rid of this job title. Managers and Owners will leave with solutions to consider and begin to implement a shift, including more effective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), job role segmentation and paths to repair planner development.

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Event Information

Cost: $75 advanced / $100 after early bird deadline & onsite.

Show Session ID: RD5

