Honey, You Shrank the Dents! Smaller Dents, Bigger Dollars with "Pull to Paint" Approach

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, October 31 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM PT

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Event Location

Location: S230


We have introduced Glue Pull Repair (GPR) training in previous year sessions of RDE, and this ALL NEW session will focus on GPR as a part of a repair process that leaves the OEM finish undisturbed through the pulling process all the way into filler and paint. We will show data and examples using GPR along with fillers designed to go over paint to effectively shrink the size of repairs while keeping factory eCoat intact. This process is especially interesting on an aluminum panel as the risk of galvanic corrosion is eliminated if the eCoat is not removed.

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Event Information

Cost: $75 advanced / $100 after early bird deadline & onsite.

Show Session ID: RD9

