Repairer to Repairer: Stop Estimating and Start Repair Planning

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, November 1 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PT

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Event Location

Location: S229


See the step-by-step process of performing an OEM compliant repair, detailing the procedures and documentation utilized to capture all repair operations accurately within the repair blueprint. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of:
• Identifying required repairs
• Repair documentation best practices
• Utilization of OEM repair information
• Utilization of readily available industry resources for identifying and capturing non-included operations
Learn the fundamental differences between an “estimate” and a thorough repair blueprint, and how crucial the damage documentation process is to an outcome of improved repair quality, shop efficiency and overall profitability.

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Event Information

Cost: $75 advanced / $100 after early bird deadline & onsite.

Show Session ID: RD14

