Being "Elite" in a Consolidating Market

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, November 1 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM PT

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Location: S230


As shops become more specialized through OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) certifications, they are catching criticism from third party payers who have a lack of understanding for the value of proper repairs. Independent collision centers maintaining OEM certifications should not operate under the same restrictions as a high-volume direct repair facilities. There are higher costs involved, especially with luxury models, but with mass market vehicles as well.

This presentation's intent is to illustrate to independent vehicle repair businesses how to express their differences to reduce push back and gain reimbursement for the OEM required operations.

Being elite should not be a punishment but be recognized as a mark of excellence.

• Understand how to communicate to a customer why having their vehicle repaired at a certified repair facility is a benefit.
• Learn how to explain the different skill sets used in a repair and why labor rates are higher than a high-volume facility to a third-party payer.
• Acknowledge their position in their market to maximize visibility and prominence as an elite repair facility.

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Event Information

Cost: $75 advanced / $100 after early bird deadline & onsite.

Show Session ID: RD18

