Building Operational Leadership

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, November 1 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM PT

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Event Location

Location: S230


Often leaders and managers attend a great seminar, read an inspiring book, or attend an informative training session only to fall short in implementing what they have learned back at the shop. In this session, Mike Anderson of Collision Advice, shares his favorite leadership lessons on how to improve an organization, how to share key lessons with your team and how to make them “stick!” Transform your team from one that makes wishes to a team that sets and achieves goals!
In the second half of the session, you’ll hear from a panel of collision repair leaders on how they build, manage, and support their teams including:

• How they avoid the “flavor of the month” mentality with their team
• What steps they have taken to build a great culture
• How they recruit, hire, and train their people
• How they set and enforce consequences when people aren’t following the rules
• And much more

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Event Information

Cost: $75 advanced / $100 after early bird deadline & onsite.

Show Session ID: RD12

